Well not much sewing going on here. I hope to get back to it this weekend.
Please feel free to stop reading now because I really just want to vent.
Really, I'll understand.
Have a great day/evening & I'll get back to sewing or cute cats in the next post. Promise.
Oh and Remy is wonderful, made himself right at home, and loves life here. We love him right back. Thank you for asking. You can stop reading now. Thanks.
OK you were warned......
I hesitated to mention this ongoing, annoying, mysterious health issue I've had but thought what-the-hey, all you long-time readers have followed me through the rest of the Series of Unfortunate Events this year (yes, for all you Lemony Snicket fans I am considering changing my last name to Baudelaire). Also, I didn't want anyone to think that my six (6!!!!!!!!!) months of bad luck had suddenly gone away.
Let me start out by saying, I have had bad luck with medical professionals in the past so I have a wary, distrust of the medical profession since childhood (except for Dr. House because he is brutally honest, makes no bones about not caring about the patient--only the puzzle of the disease, and usually figures out what is wrong with the patient in a hour. I like that.)
Since late July, I have had a weird allergic reaction to something. I have been to a dermatologist, my G.P. (twice), and a specialist in allergy & immunology. I have been given various strengths of corticosteroids both orally, lotions, creams, and the last time a shot and each time the reaction comes back worse. I have stopped using all my usual makeup, face stuff, shampoo, conditioner, soap, cleaning products, etc. and have rewashed everything in my house with dye/fragrance-free laundry soap (which I use anyway).
It has been extremely frustrating because I look like an EXTRA FROM THE WALKING DEAD!!!!! (that's a zombie apocalypse show that takes place in Atlanta for those of you who aren't up on your zombie pop culture)
Or a CHIPMUNK WITH MANGE (by-the-way Chipmunks with Mange would be a great name for a band please give me 20% of proceeds if you use this name thx.). With a horrible non-itchy red rash everywhere and peeling dry flaky skin.
For the first few months, I got by in public OK but since the beginning of this month with not being able to use makeup (hello) and it getting worse, I have been a recluse and missed days of day-job and days at Starbucks, which is not good. I have also been very depressed and frequently despaired about this whole situation (and everything else that has happened this year...)
Skip next paragraph if you want I digress into dangerous territory....
WARNING: rant within a rant digression here: [Because I now have really crappy health insurance from the state because not only do we not get performance or cost-of-living raises anymore (going on 10 years now), we also get really crappy health insurance--thank you past and now present governors. And this has cost more money than I care to add up and yes I have to work two jobs to help pay for my crappy health care--which is going up in cost next year, and down in benefits]
Today, I went the allergy/immunology specialist person who was dismayed that this hasn't gone away and said he didn't have any other ideas except for mega-doses of prednisone (again) and referred me back to the same dermatologist. Sigh.
I am BESIDE myself with this. A friend gave me a referral to another dermatologist that is supposed to be very good. So I hope to get an appointment and get a &^%$#@%$^&** MIRACLE.
I really want Dr. House to be real-life doctor, although I think Hugh Laurie is pretty hot and wouldn't really want him to see me looking like a bloody zombie or chipmunk with mange so that is a quandary. Oh he probably wouldn't be an in-network doctor anyway. Foo!
That is all. And now back to our regularly schedule cute cats & quilting.