Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's December??!!?? Is There Something I Should Be Doing?

It's week two of December already?!?!?? Oh my.  Let's just day I've been working a lot and kinda lost track of things I'm supposed to be doing for December.

Instead of frantically making gifts (most of which I have started and didn't finish last year *cough cough*) and instead of resorting to making dear Max work like crazy =================>

I flexed my online shopping fingers

and BOOM!

shopping done and had everything sent to my elves in Michigan for wrapping.   I love my elves in Michigan:)

Tonight I am determined to get cards addressed for mailing later this week when I have a chance to zoom by the post office.

Wish I had elves to do laundry and dishes because I gotta fit those in tonight too.

It's the most non-sleeping time of the year....


Michele said...

I agree with the most non-sleeping time of the year LOL!! Love that picture of Max too :-)

Unknown said...

December is getting away from me as well byt nime do to the blahs. I need some elves to come by andkick me in the pants

Becky said...

Love the Grinch at the treadle! Where did you get that image? Online shopping is the "bestest." Finish the binding on my last Christmas project, but some of them took me 3 years to complete:)

Cathi said...

I'm still pretending it's November! LOL