I am soooo excited to have a Schibble project bag and more Schnibble patterns (these are Carrie's brand-new ones)and generous chunks (is that a new precut size?) of Carrie's new fabric line.

Carrie wrote a sweet note too. She is just the sweetest and I know she is always super busy so I'm even more touched that she took the time to write a cute note.
I can't wait to dive into this fabric and more Schnibble-y fun.
Big THANK YOU to Carrie and Miss Rosie and Sinta and Sherri!!!

Cloud 9 makes wonderful organic cotton fabrics and we are all about organic here at Stella Bella Quilts. I am very excited to be able to make a little organic project from this fabric.
Not to mention the OWLS! Very owl-some retro owls.

Doesn't this make you want to run out and get some?
I've been a bit of a hermit lately and even missed my Silver Thimbles sewing group last weekend. I knew I wouldn't be very good company and just wanted to hermit at home. Does anyone else ever do this?
I was still trying to adapt to the loss of Morpheus and feeling really sad.
I also was finally relieved to be over and done with all the house repairs from the May 13th fire (FOUR months and TWO days after the fire). The last tiny itty bitty bit of repairs was a never-ending, drawn-out, annoying saga of bad subcontractors, which I spared y'all from. I finally just told the general contractor that I was done with it all and I would finish it up myself. Poof begone with that! The lesson I learned was to be my own general contractor (as I did for 95% of the repair work the beginning of the summer) and not rely on anyone my insurance company recommended (go figure).
I was also dealing with getting used to working two jobs again. I already miss my Friday night through Sunday night weekends...
Well I feel bad not seeing my friends and I feel bad for not replying to all the emails and comments the past month but I really needed some alone-time. I think I am back now and will be more social. Love to y'all.
Yeah to you! You certainly deserve some fun! And thank goodness the postman delivered it to you!!! You are a lucky girl! Sorry you are working 2 jobs. Sometimes a girls' gotta do what a girls gotta do. But when you do get some time... you will at least get to do a little quilting! xxoo
What fun wins!! You lucky girl :-) You deserve it :-) Take all the time you need to feel like socializing again. Although we do miss you! Everyone has had times like that.
I'm happy that you are back, Gretchen; I've missed you. But you were so wise to know you needed some time. How nice that you had these wins! I'm taken with the little house Schnibble pattern and will prolly look for it.
Sounds like things have been a little busy there. Hopefully, you'll find time for some sewing therapy with some of your new goodies!!! Congratulations!!!
Don't worry about "hermitting". I do it a lot. I just love my home and my little acre in the country and my two big old dumb dogs and my hubby. I feel "cozy" here so I would rather be here than anywhere else. Sure we need to get out once in a while but if you are comfortable staying home right now, than that is where you need to be. Don't feel guilty about it! Enjoy it!!
Fabulous wins! And the timing was wonderful.
Glad you're back.
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