I thought I'd start off this weekend wrap-up post with a funny story from Friday. I had to take Morph to the vet to get some blood work checked. My cats all hate going to the vet. They hate being tricked into getting in the cat carrier and they hate riding in the car and protest all the way. By the time we get there, me and whichever cat is going along is pretty frazzled. Morph meows at the top of his lungs all the way there. On a scale of 1 to 10, Morph's going-to-the-vet meow is 11.
As I drive to the vet, I try to calm him down by talking softly, singing a shhhh it's OK song, listening to BBC podcasts and anything else I can think of. On Friday, there were lots of Gwinnett Co. police out, so as I was trying to calm Morph down and stay calm myself, I also wanted to make sure I wasn't speeding (aka trying to get to the vet quicker). About a mile from the vet's office, the blue lights came on behind me.
Oh good grief! This is not what I need right now with Morph meowing at volume 11 and me frazzled and British historian David Cannadine lecturing on my iPod. I pulled into a parking lot and told Morph "we just got pulled over by the cops, please be quiet so I don't have to explain why you are meowing so loud, please, pretty please." Morph said "Meow?"
The cop wanted to let me know that I had a tail light out and went back to his car with my license. Morph said "Meow?" I said "Hang on the cop is coming back." I got my license back and promised to get my tail light fixed and was let on our merry way. Morph continued meowing at volume 11 the last mile, into the vet's office, in the exam room, and in the back throughout his blood draw. I had the vet check Morph's teeth because and sure enough Morph needs to go back and get his teeth cleaned and perhaps one pulled. I better get that tail light fixed before we venture out again....

Morph needed a nap after his big day.
On to quilting--
It was
Thimbles weekend and I had fun sewing with the gang on Saturday. I worked on another Schnibble and some more little nine-patches for Scrappy Nines. I sewed some more after I got home and then all day today. Here's a hodge-podge of things. Two more blocks done for the
Moose on the Porch jelly roll quilt sampler.
Blocks 9

and 10.

Here is the latest block from the
Quilt Room jelly roll BOM sampler
Block 5. I am really loving this quilt! And am anxiously awaiting a new book from those fab Lintott ladies. I hope Bad Melisa has my name on one :)
Speaking of
Bad Melisa's, here is the Schnibble I worked on last weekend at Sweet Home. It's "Cindy Lou Who" made in the new Moda line "Park Avenue." Charm packs and pattern bought at Sweet Home.
I'm trying to decide whether to add an outer border or not. I'll let it age a week or so and decide then.