It's Earth Day! How cool is this Moda Earth Day logo? It reminds me of
Catherine's fabulous quilting at Quilt Obsession.
As I posted about earlier this month, my Earth Day pledge this year is to help out my local songbirds by setting up bird feeders. I may look for a nice birdbath too; something other that a large concrete one that is easier to clean. I am trying to talk S. and E. into building some birdhouses too.
Other "earthy" things: a new compost bin for spring and I am seriously considering building some raised beds for a vegetable garden. I just need a few more hours in my day to fit in some gardening. Anyone know where I can find them????
Last year, my pledge was to use "bring your own totes" or go without bags altogether every time I shop. It makes me crazy when I buy one thing and the clerk wants to put it in a plastic bag. I also started using
natural wax paper bags for sandwiches and stuff. I buy mine at Whole Foods and they are great! Of course for quilt shops, I have my "Bad Melisa Bag".
What are you doing for Earth Day?