I'm still working away on Double Delight

Good thing I thought of someone to give this quilt to because it's just a little to pink for me. I like the quilt, just not all the pinky pink. Pink is my absolute least favorite color. In fact I didn't even like pink as a little girl.
I liked purple (Still do!)....
Back in the early 1970s when purple was hard to find....
Among all that avocado green, rusty orange, and mushroomy brown....(I think these colors are coming back though...)
In honor of September, which is one more month closer to October (my favorite month), I decided to prep a new Halloween project from Minick & Simpson's most delightful (and purple-y) Halloween line.

I think that it's me you decided to give your Double Delight to, right??
Love your Double Delight.
Can't wait to see Halloweenie!
Gosh your Double Delight is so yummy. Lovely piecing makes it all the more delight-ful!
Hi Gretchen,
I just found your blog through another. We might have a lot in common as I'm a 30-something quilter and cat lover, too! Your Double Delight is wonderful.
Can't wait to see your new Halloween project! Great fabric! I haven't seen this one in "person" yet. Take care!
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