I hope everyone in the Northeast is snug and warm and/or digging out after the big blizzard!! I've been looking at photos of the amazing amount of snow dumped on you in just a few hours. Up to 30" in some areas WOW!
I spent yesterday afternoon working on some 2013 blocks of the month from blogland. (Like I need to add more to the list...)
Remy was an excellent supervisor.
I also think this sampler would be great in solids or bright modern fabrics (I'll just stick with making this one version though).
February's blocks are red for Valentine's day.
I also finally decided on the fabrics for Barbara Brackman's 2013 Civil War block of the month, Dixie Diary I have a fat eighth bundle of Barbara's Metropolitan Fair line. Does anyone remember why I purchased it? I couldn't remember so I decided to use it for this quilt along with some assorted other reproductions. I decided to make the 12" versions of the blocks and use the recommended on-point layout to make a full-size quilt. Again, trying to use up that stash.
Here is January's block.
More shopping in my stash and I have the backings and bindings for two quilts that I need to get basted and quilted on my days off next week. Hooray for a productive Friday. Today was a long, busy day at Starbucks and I got nothing done this afternoon except a taking nap and watching The Walking Dead marathon.
Wow! Lots happening in your sewing room. All the blocks look terrific and thank goodness Remy is there to keep an eye on your progress. Poor wee soul looks quite worn out by it all!
You seem to be like me with several BOMs to work on. I find that they give me diversion from the whole projects and in the end I have either a quilt to put together or a UFO to ignore (for a while). Good job.
Ahh you are coming over to the way too many BOM/BOW side! It is nice here especially when they free and trying to reduce the stash. lol. k
Wow! These blocks are looking so nice thank you very much for the sharing.
Lapel Pins
Always enjoy a gratuitious cat picture too! I have added you to my favorites list so that I won't miss out on these cute kitties (and wonderful quilt blocks)!
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