It is so hard to believe that she is two!
We had a great time. Her new favorite game is hide and seek and she would tell me where to hide. I thought that kind of defeated the whole purpose of the game but who can debate with a two-year-old? My favorite thing to do is hide in a different place so she had to look for me. When I wasn't in my designated space she would yell "Gretchen!!!" It was hard not to laugh and give away my hiding place.
Mackenzie is such a happy little girl and she is so much fun to be around. I miss her already.
So awesome you got to be there to help her celebrate!
How precious! Two already..sheesh!
Oh Oh OH what a cutie!
So, so cute! I want to just grab her up and hug her. Beautiful eyes too and that face just tugs at my heart strings! I love the way she plays hide and seek too, LOL. When my daughter was that age, hide and seek was also her favorite game but her method was to say "Mom, I'm gonna go hide in the closet, then you come and try to find me"...go figure! We had lots of fun and laughs all the same. Thanks so much for sharing your visit with this precious little sweetheart with us. Hugs...
Oh, so cute! How fabulous you got to go celebrate her birthday with her!
I'm so glad you were able to get away and spend some time with the little sweetheart. She's growing so fast! It really does seem like only yesterday she was born. I can hardly wrap my head around that. What a creative personality, too. The way she makes up her own game of hide-n-seek. I love that. Welcome home my friend and much respect to you for ensuring you're getting time with her. You're a good aunt!
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