Thimbles was tons of fun yesterday and I got in some much needed time with my quilting buddies.
Kristie brought in some new children's books (she is a elementary school media specialist and has a great personal library of books, cataloged of course). One book she brought had my name all over it (I have added it to my ever-lengthening Amazon wish list). It is called
Sipping Spiders Through a Straw and a collection of all your favorite sing-a-long songs rewritten with silly monster lyrics. Here is Pat, Queen Silver Thimble, reading it to us.
Sheila does absolutely amazing quilting, embroidery work, sewing, and she now has her own long-arm machine and she does that amazingly too. Babette, her poodle, is an official Thimblette. Babette is a sweetie who is in her elder years and blind and has her own little Babette stroller so she can visit and sleep during the meetings. Babette also has a stylin' Halloween costume.
Karin brought her scrappy Scrappy-Nines all quilted

and with a brilliant backing too.
I think everyone would fight over this quilt should she let it out of her sight.

Sarah (no blog) always has at least two projects for Show n Tell and usually more (maybe because she spends her free time sewing instead of blogging....hmmmm...I may be on to something here)
This vision in red and tan is the same pattern as Stella's quilt (in Stella colors). It's called "Honeyberries" and is from the
40 Fabulous Quick Cut Quilts book. This is one of those great quilt patterns that just looks spectacular in any color combination and in scrappy.
Another of Sarah's projects was this batik quilt made from the "Twister" ruler. Wow! See the quilt behind Sarah; that's our project for next month from the book
Scrap Basket Surprises. Kits are by
Little Quilts in the new Little Quilts fabric line called "Whittier Crossing." If you want to make one too, I am sure they could rustle up a kit for you.
It was great fun to see some of the Friday Thimbles group including Suzanne with this lovely quilt. Suzanne has a great eye for fabrics and decorating and is one of the nicest people ever.

I worked on a Scnibble but didn't get much done. For once, I was visiting more than sewing. Sometimes that exactly what you need and exactly what makes Thimbles such a great club.