The East Cobb Quilt Guild puts on a show every other year and as in the past, this one was spectacular. Nearly 400 quilts!!!! There are some exceedingly talented quilters in the ATL let me tell ya!! One of the best things about the show was seeing all my friends!!! Many of my quilty friends are retired and attend the Friday daytime Thimbles and I don't get to see them much.
S. went with me after promising not to fidget, whine, complain, or ask if it was time to go yet. (note: S. is not three; he is 44....). I also promised to treat him to BBQ if he was good. He also got extra bonus points for saying in the car afterwards "your quilts are just as good as some of those in the show." One of those out-of-the-blue boyfriend-sayings you wish you could frame and keep forever.
OK so onto the photos. I didn't take nearly as many photos as Pat so if you want to see more check out
her blog. The show was crowded, which is a great thing for the guild and the vendors, but made it hard to take photos without people.

This won Best in Show--as well it should!!! Hand appliqued and hand quilted Baltimore album quilt--makes you want to swoon. (Aside: no, Mom you don't have time to do this one!!!!!!)
Here is a detail

I loved the color combination in this quilt.

It just sparkles.
Here's a great scrappy quilt with a fabulous layout.

Here is a miniature quilt that blew my socks off!!!

Those little paper-pieced blocks are probably an inch square!!!!!
I was amazed at the machine quilting on this one.

This was one of my favorite quilts at the show because (1) I love art history (2) it's a unique pattern and (3) S. knew all the paintings that inspired it (I misidentified two).
It's called "Sunbonnet Sue Goes to the Museum"

Here is a detail

Sunbonnet Sue as "The Scream"
Here are some overall views

the vendors are along the second floor with the open first floor display area.

Melisa of Sweet Home Quilt Co. had a booth there and it was packed the whole time. The Little Quilts booth was packed too. I had already made plans to visit Little Quilts while I was way over there in Cobb Co. anyway. S. waited in the car, listening to his iPod

I did get a little bit of fabric goodness. Some Jo Morton for an antique-y Halloween quilt I'm planning to make, a bundle of Abe Lincoln Bicentennial fabric, and a French General needlekeep that was a gotta-have. I successfully resisted getting
the Lincoln Bicentennial kit that I am coveting and I will be happy with my little bundle.
After a huge lunch of BBQ pork, okra, and cole slaw and a couple of gallons of sweet tea at Williamson Bros. We were homeward bound before rush hour traffic started to get too bad (ie: at 2:30).
A truly great day!!!! I think S. even enjoyed it.