Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Guest Host

Edgar Poe here. I'm filling in for Gretchen on this post. She is in shock because a friend of hers reminded her that it's been 20 years since she graduated high school at the end of this month. I think she is trying to find her Doc Martins and leather jacket and dig out something called "records". I heard her mumbling something about being old and gray hairs and there's no way she's going to something called a reunion but I'm not sure. I hope she doesn't try to skateboard...


Unknown said...

Just wait until it has been 30 years!!! Go and have fun.

sewprimitive karen said...

Hi, Edgar Poe, you're doing a good job of blogging! Ugh, a reunion lol.

Unknown said...

Hi Edgar, Dealing with our people is sometimes quite difficult. You think you have problems? I could tell you such stories about my person! But hang in there and best advice is just to cuddle up close to her. purr and look needy. It works every time.

Cathi said...

What a gorgeous guest blogger! Smudge & Lester are now demanding their own time. Uh oh!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I graduated in 1989 too! Wasn't it a great time to be a teenager!

Becky said...

Thank you Edgar Poe for the blog post! Tell Gretchen to relax. Today is so much better than high school. Hope that you will post again. Rusty says Hey!