Hope you are in the mood for some randomness. I am trying to get motivated to do something productive today but so far it hasn't happened (although I did put in a full day's work at Starbucks already). Friday was an annoying day at the day job because my computer crashed taking my finished presentation and script that I have to give this Tuesday with it. This makes the third time my computer has crashed since I started working there and the second time on this same computer. The state is light years behind on technology and the department's IT people--well let's just say we do not count on them for anything. I am beyond annoyed with the situation. Hope my presentation is recoverable. A fun trip to the local garden center for some plants on the way home improved the day.
Yesterday, I went by Sweet Home Quilt Co. to pick up my copy of
Quilt Sampler magazine. I love this magazine--it is so fun to see other quilt shops around the country. I also picked up a few other items

some blue and red flowered fabric for binding, some nifty fat eights in a bundle, a fat quarter, and a new book. I also went to Home Depot to pick up supplies for making a raised garden bed.
Voila! Our Recession Garden. I didn't make the bed; I just hauled all the stuff home. All things working out well, my really local organic food will be: okra, heirloom tomatoes, red bell peppers, yellow squash, strawberries, basil, and for the cats--catnip. Marigolds are planted around the sides to keep away pests.

Because it is so hot here in the summer, we have to wait until fall to plant lettuces, kale, carrots, and potatoes but that's the plan.
I also set up a Twitter account. I don't know why, but I did. Possibly in case an iPhone magically appears in my life (I
really really want an iPhone but don't want to spend the money for one. Maybe the apple elf will bring one. I'll hold my breath..............) OK apple elf hasn't appeared yet so I guess I'll quit holding my breath. I'll probably tweet a little more than an ivory billed woodpecker but maybe not too much more. Infrequent tweets at @stellabellaqlts.
I finished two really good books recently:
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and
The Unforgiving Minute. I highly recommend both (links are to Amazon.com in case you are interested.) OK must get off the computer and find something productive to do.