Is anyone else eating Valentine's Day candy for breakfast? I received my annual box of chocolate from the Best Dad in the World (that would be mine!!) Although it's not breakfast time (it's 2PM), this is the first thing I've had today except for lots of espresso this morning at Starbucks. I hope everyone had a great V-day. S. and I went to a big antiques market (Scott's if you are familiar with the ATL). Didn't buy anything but had lots of fun looking. I then talked him into running by Conyers (not exactly on the way home) and going to Crazy Ron's BBQ for lunch and swinging by Sweet Home Quilt Co.
Karin and Cindi and Sarah had already visited Melisa and I was surprised to find anything left in the store LOL!!! I did pick up a couple of charm packs of the Moda line "Legacy" and can't wait for the yardage to come in. I couldn't spend too much time because S. would get bored but it was great seeing Melisa and Mike.
Now I am off to hopefully get some sewing in before I forget how since it's been so long. I am ready to do some major sewing now that I've had lots of caffeine and sugar!!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating candy for breakfast, or any other time. Hope you had a great day.
Chocolate is one of the food groups right? You are good to go!
I bought a jelly roll of the fabric line Fresh.. I just love it but don't know what I will do with it yet LOL
That's wonderful that your Dad sends your candy. Sweet Home must have been rocking on Saturday. I went Friday after work to get T-shirt interfacing. I saw several things that I'll probably have to go back and buy.
Happy Valentine's Day!
What a pretty quilt shop! I hope you got some sewing done. I had eaten all my Valentine candy on Saturday ... so no left overs for Sunday breakfast ...
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