Some of the highlights were:
1. seeing my parents, brother, sister-in-law, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who I haven't seen in a year
2. eating too much great food (thanks Mom for all the pies!!!)
3. getting up at dark-thirty to go shopping on Friday (a family tradition) and getting most of my shopping done and presents wrapped so I don't have to mail them!
5. going to my favorite quilt shops
I know my quilty friends want a detailed report of the quilt shop hopping. One of the best quilt shops in Michigan is Mabelena's. Unfortunately, they don't have a website or blog so you can't see all the great stuff for yourself--just trust me, it's awesome! The owner, Brenda, is the sweetest and always remembers me even though I visit only once or twice a year. This is what I bought at Mabelena's
along with 4 yards of Duck cloth (a light canvas) for lining purses (I like this better than stiffer lining).
Another one of my favorite shops is Guildcrafters (they do have a blog). This shop has a wide variety of fabric and lots of kits and samples. I picked up some charm squares, a pattern, a cool neutral,

Today, I have been sewing on Xmas gifts. Do you realize tomorrow is December???!!!????!!!??? Better get busy!