I had a busy weekend--the usual errands and chores and also 2 dinner invites. I did get some sewing in yesterday. I decided to work on my
Scrappy Nines quilt (designed by my good friend Pat of Silver Thimble Quilt co.). I have about 900 million nine-patches to make for this quilt.

This is what 900 million nine-patches looks like in pieces. Did I mention that they are little bitty nine-patches? All 900 million of them finish at 3".

Aren't they cute? Now I only have 899,000,000 to go....
Pat is probably telling me to stop exaggerating now. I can hear her all the way across the other side of the county.
I also finished the Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery block 11.

Block 12 will be here soon so it's a good thing I got this one done.
This is my first attempt at taking a photo of the block. I had just ironed it and Stella thought it was a nice warm spot to take a nap.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and the mom's out there had a good mother's day. The cats thought their "cat mom" should get up early this morning. Morpheus especially wanted me up and about (or maybe he was just hungry). How can I refuse such a handsome guy?
Hi, Morpheus, my black cat Jack wanted me to get up out of bed this morning for some strange reason, too. Scrappy Nines is the one by Pat that I would like to make, too.
this is your first mother's day as an aunt ... happy mother's day to you, Auntie Gretchen!
Well dang girlfriend but I love that Scrappy Nines block. 899,000,000 isn't really that bad. It's at least under our national debt ceiling last I checked. hee!
Mystery block is utter coolness! Dig it. Stella is the most cuteamous of cats. I love this photo of her on the freshly ironed block. Good kittty.
I think I could have slept in a bit today but someone woke me up, too. Can't tell who. They're all mean to me. Kippy? Kanga-Roni-Bucket-'o-Cute-Pie? or Kingston the Krewl? Hard to know but I can tell you that SNAGAN (Sagan but after the snake his new name) appreciated the early wake up. In his aging years he has to teedle a lot more!
I love those teeny tiny 9-patches! 899,000,000 doesn't sound like too many at all! :-)
Oh my! I love those little nine patches...cute as they can be. I can't wait for block 12 to arrive. That sure was a fast year!
LIke your scrappy nines, haven't started mine yet.
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