Sunday, April 14, 2013

End of Week Report

Happy to say that I did finish the baby quilt.  Done, quilted, bound, labeled, and photographed.

I just did some simple stitch-in-the-ditch quilting along the sashing and outlined some of the shapes in the blocks.  I also added the wavy-stitch quilting down the middle of the sashing and borders.  Easy peasy and I'm happy that this top will have a new home. 

Don't you love Edgar Poe on the cat perch supervising S.'s quilt holding.  

I have the next gift quilt pin-basted and need to work on that this next week.  Hooray for more finishes in 2013. 


  1. That's one of the nicest baby quilts I've ever seen, great job. I'm sure it will be appreciated and hopefully used and loved.

  2. Gretchen, The quilt is wonderful and the way Edgar Poe is supervising, he looks like he will accept nothing less than perfection, LOL. Great quilt, great picture, thanks for sharing. Hugs... Scratches to all the furry sweeties :o)

  3. It looks terrific - great colours.

  4. I really like this quilt. I love how it doesn't scream baby quilt, and will age with the child. The colours are great too.

  5. I love the sampler for the baby! I would be sneaking it away and using it for myself!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.