Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why...Hello...Neglected Blog

It seems as though I have been doing a million little things and haven't gotten around to blogging in awhile.  Of courses there's all that Stuff-That-is-Not-Sewing-Related, but who wants to be bored with that. Let's jump right to the sewing.  

Edgar Poe and I are machine quilting a quilt and hope to get it done by the end of this month (oops make that the beginning of May).  He is doing an *excellent job* at whatever is the OPPOSITE of free-motion quilting.  More like dead-weight quilting.
He is so cute though, we forgive him for any extra hinderance.
Machine Quilting with Edgar Poe

Granny's Choice: "I'm the Anti"
I am about 2 months of Saturdays behind on my Grandmother's Choice Votes for Women Block of the Week. I better hurry it up and get caught up.  Here are some blocks I made that haven't made it to the blog yet, starting with this past Saturday's.

Coffee Cup: Not My Job Description

Contrary Husband

Mr. Roosevelt's Necktie

Tinted Chains: Click
Broad Arrow: Prison Garb

Ocean Wave: My Friend Erma

I have also begun the tedious onerous horrible terrible no good task of sorted, refolding, reorganizing, re-everythinging all my sewing stuff. Boo and hiss. But it is WAAAAYYYYYYY overdue. 

I'll be so happy when it is done right? 


  1. Hi Gretchen! I too am caught up with the BOWs. Hope everything is going okay with you. k

  2. i started the same horrible awful no-good very bad task a YEAR ago and STILL don't have all of it done - i folded till my arms ached and then i just wanted to SEW ... which it looks like you are doing, in spite of Mr. Poe.

  3. Hey...when you're done reorganizing your sewing stuffus would you like to come down here to Florida and start on mine? No? Oh come on...I only live a block from the beach...LOL.

  4. Pretty reproduction fabrics! Love to see more of the quilt EP is sitting on.

  5. I enjoyed reading this post and the previous 2 or 3 or 4. The kitties seem to be big helpers in all things quilty. Love your conversational style! :)

  6. Persever (although it's easy to lose momentum). What about tackling it a section at time? Edgar Poe seems to be performing a very important service - stopping the qui;lt from falling off the table and making sure it warms up nicely. Your blocks look great!

  7. I love the look on Edgar Poe's face! Nothing like a little kitty help in all aspects of quilting.
    Good luck with the sorting/organizing!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.