Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mid-Week Report

Yes, it is that time of year again when Atlanta decides to be an overachiever in the pollen department.  (Atlanta overachieves in two areas:  traffic and pollen).  For people who are allergic to everything blooming (like me), we are stuck inside trying to avoid the vast waves of yellow pollen drifting over the landscape.  In case you are wondering what this looks like see this post from 2 years ago.

Today's pollen count is 4151 (extremely high is 120).  I will not be going outside today except to go to work...

Time for random cat photo:

"When all else fails, hide in your favorite box"--Remy
This week I am working on quilting two projects for gifts.  Here is the first: a baby shower gift for a co-worker at Starbucks.  I remembered that I had a top from the 2010 jelly roll BOM quilt along.  I think this will make a cute quilt for a little boy.  I hope to get this quilted and bound by the end of the week so I better hop to it.  I'll post a photo of the second later this week.  Hope you are enjoying spring weather without the allergies where you are!


  1. no pollen flying around here today - this morning's low was a record-breaking 7 degrees and EVERYTHING is covered with snow again ... even though i worked in the yard on saturday and sunday, raking and weeding and spreading fertilizer ... brrrr! is is COLD! do you think Remy would share his box with me?!?

    and you are right - that will make a WONDERFUL quilt for a baby boy!

  2. Hi Gretchen! Allergies abound here in Utah too. My hubby suffers the worst, I don't have to tell you about it cause you know how it feels, but even my dogs are sneezing...both of them so on a couple of days it has been Benadryl all around, LOL. I do hope you don't suffer too badly, but even staying inside I know you can't escape it completely. I can't wait to see the quilt all finished, it is waaay cute. Love the picture of Remy too of course. I think we all have days when we wish we could crawl into a box and only stick our head out when we wanted to. Big hugs to you and scratches all around to the furry kids...


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