Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shocking Discovery

I was rummaging around in my sewing space on a mission to get some stash to start cutting for the OC mystery quilt step 2 when I discovered, lurking in an old apple crate, a stash of UFOs that I didn't know I had because they were not on my purple index cards!!!! I was shocked, shocked I tell you. Where did these come from???? Perhaps they were purchased and partially started by a doppelganger who has the same taste in fabric that I do. I also discovered fabric still in it's original bag that had somehow snuck in there also (this is not so unusual).

So I did what every other self-respecting quiltress would do, I put the inexplicable bags back where they came from, found my scraps, turned off the light, and left the room. That doppelganger better get working on those quilts, I have enough to do.


  1. I hate it when that happens. My theory is the cats sneak in a leave half started projects at night to make me look bad.

  2. My family has always blamed things like that on Plushy, the naughty house elf. Perhaps he likes to travel?

  3. Something is afoot in Ga? Imagine that-fabric you forgot about....and as for those unfinished UFO's I think you should blame it on....I know.amneisa or maybe it happened in a parallel life! Don't fret, it will be there and you will discover new and better ways for completion! How about a shot of those projects? I thought I was the only one who had not started step 2. This weekend for sure but I have to clean because Kathy arrives Thrs.

  4. That's too funny! Maybe you should have a clone of yourself made to do those projects.

  5. O that is funny! Thanks for the laugh.

  6. Perhaps your doppelganger could do some housework while you finish her ufos?
    Fair trade.

  7. There must be a rift in the time-space continuum in Atlanta, I have found some of those "alternate universe" project lurking in my house too! I like you way of handling them best. :-)


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