Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'll Take Obscure Holidays for $300

Well tomorrow is a state holiday for state employees. Don't check your calendar, it's only a state holiday for a couple of states--Georgia being one of them--Confederate Memorial Day. I cannot believe we still have this day as a day off in the 21st century; it's so un-PC I don't know where to start. But don't look a gift holiday in the un-PC-ness. I'll be spending the day (not celebrating the Confederacy) but celebrating oh I don't know...National Cats and Quilting day. That's a better holiday.
Did get some quilting in yesterday. I sewed the backing together for my Morris Garden quilt. I think it ended up the size of Rhode Island (which is 84"X 98" for the top--add 6" all around for the back). I have no business sewing quilts the size of states, even small states, in my small house. If my house were a geo-political entity--it would be a hamlet. I couldn't even spread the whole thing out. This is why sewing backings is my least favorite quilty thing to do (my friend Becky dislikes borders). This is also why I will never sew drapes, very large pieces of fabric make me crazy.

I also happened to err in my logic for making the backing (actually I don't think there was any logic involved whatsoever). Since I dislike large pieces of fabric, I thought sewing a back out of 10 1/2" squares would be easier. Ummmm it's like making another queen-size quilt....takes a lot of cutting and piecing and ironing.....what was I (not) thinking????? chalk up one life lesson learned.... So now I have this quilt ready for the quilter. Hooray!

Here's a gratuitous cute cat photo. Stella was hanging out in the sewing space with me yesterday. Now this doesn't look very comfortable to me, but she loves to hang out here in front of the window.


  1. Cats seem to find the most unusual spots to curl up -- and seem so comfortable! What a sweet cat.

  2. We have a Bank Holiday next Monday that has questionable roots. It was introduced as a May Day holiday by a Labour Government with communist leanings. These days however, it is called Spring Bank Holiday. Have a good day.

  3. I dislike piecing quilt backs as well...yuck! Same for borders...I guess because the quilt tops are so large and harder to handle at that point.

    Cute kitty...she just wants to be close to momma, even if it means sleeping in less than comfortable places. :)

  4. uimtaobpagdStella had the 2 things that she probably reals likes-a window view as needed to observe all kinds of flying creatures AND her favorite person. She has to keep an eye on you so that when she needs Anything you will be available to provide it. This from the woman who just came in from the rain with her granddog! Can't wait to see the quilt! My morris garden fabric is on the pile in the livingroom-still in the i don't have a clue stage.
    Enjoy your day off


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