Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

OK so my name is nowhere near Irish, but here's what my Irish name would be (sounds like I could use it as my "stripper" name also).

Your Irish Name Is...
Jade Flynn


  1. This is too much fun! Of course, I don't have a drop of Irish blood. French/Spanish/Cajun

    Sinead Browne, my Irish name sounds like an outlaw.

    How are things at your office? Was there any damage there? Any comments from downtown?

  2. Both sound better than "Fiona Kavanaugh"...that's me! And I DO have lots of Irish blood so what's up with that? I should have a really great Irish name, but instead I sound like the scullery maid!

    Melisa @ Sweet Home

  3. ixMy name is Ella Power....way strange for a Swed/Italian!


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