Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stella's Quilt

It's been a really hectic and exhausting week so I'm behind on posting. I finally finished the binding on this quilt (and finally took photos to post). That's Morph enjoying the sunshine.

I made it as a sample for our sewing group at the LQS. The pattern is "Honeyberries" from 40 Fabulous Quick Cut Quilts. It was a really fun quilt to make. It is now Stella's quilt since it matches her fur. A big quilt for a little cat who has a BIG personality.


  1. I love it...and look at that such a cat with a discriminating taste...kind of reminds me of Spiff and his quilt tastes. Actually he just likes to shed on all of them. But I have a picture somewhere in my blog of
    Spiff on the very same quilt! I love this pattern. I think I need to do another...just too many on the list already!

  2. not that you care but I just went back and looked. Spiff was posing on this quilt on 11/15/07 and then there is one of Bailey sleeping on it on 12/30. So after Bailey contaminated it with dog aroma, I gave it to Laurie

  3. Of course I care Karin! This has become the new "couch" quilt. Hope Laurie (and Bailey) are enjoying yours. I would love to make this quilt again too but like you, I have way too many to do the first time around.

  4. Oh, Stella is a beauty! For that matter, so is Morph. I'm partial to black cats for some reason -- perhaps because they're so much maligned ;-) I actually love all cats, and my 3 of course have to help me quilt. Misty loves to get up on the fabric I'm cutting, and check my measurements for me. Or to play with the little strips I cut off when squaring an edge. Loved taking a look at your blog -- came here from Pat Sloan's list.

  5. I love the quilt, I am going to have to find that pattern. Could it be made with jelly rolls? I enjoyed my visit to your blog, your cats are adorable.


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