Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hooray it's National Quilting Day and surviving storms in the ATL

Well I was not able to get as much sewing in as I wanted to (I had a rather ambitious agenda anyway). If you haven't heard, downtown Atlanta was hit by a tornado last night . Horrible storms were all over the metro area and the lights even flickered at SBux. Well after finally getting to bed around 2:30 AM after watching CNN to find out what was hit by tornado, another big storm came around 3-ish and kept me up with window-rattling wind. Got up late after a fitful night's sleep and had a ton of the usual daily life stuff to do also. I have been checking in on quilty blogs, catching up on 50-zillion emails, and finding out what everyone is working on during Pat Sloan's weekend retreat.

Found out this afternoon from my boss that the tornado skipped over the office building I work in for my Day Job and hit the SunTrust across the park. Some windows in our building were blown out (hopefully not mine because I have stacks of paperwork on my desk...). I guess I'll see the damage on Monday. I was just sick seeing great historic places a little east of downtown that were hit bad--Fulton Bag and Cotton Mill Lofts, Cabbagetown, and Oakland Cemetery--all of which I have either worked on for preservation projects or visited numerous times.

On a lighter note: I must confess that I was bad this week and placed an order with Fat Quarter Shop (one of my fav on-line quilt shops)---one jelly roll and a couple of patterns. Moda really needs to start making some ugly fabric because I am having a hard time resisting the new lines. Come to find out that the line I couldn't resist is the same my friend Karin couldn't resist--"ZaZa". How weird is that? Must find out what she bought and what she is going to do with it. Anyway I already have a big stack o' jelly rolls but HAD to have this one too.

I did get some quilting in and almost have the top done for the LQS shop sample and binding hand sewn on a UFO. Will post photos tomorrow. Off to get some more sewing in before bed.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get as much sewing done as I wanted because I was gluedd to the TV watching where the tornados were going. What a day! I was half awake the night before listening as well. Like knowing where the storms were was going to make a difference! I never experienced tornado in close proximity until I moved here 10 years ago. Tornados were very rare in NY. So I worked on the baby quilt and showed the block to Laurie for her approval for the Japanese quilt. It's a go..and so is she...she leaves for Japan April 5th for 3 months. Bailey comes here. My boys are going to be VERY unhappy. But then again, I'm not thrilled either.


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