You know it's cold when it's warmer in Anchorage, Alaska than it is in Atlanta, Georgia. What?!?!?!?
This satellite photo from NASA is mesmerizing. You can barely see the Great Lakes under that big mass of cold air barreling down from the North Pole.
Image credit: NOAA/NASA GOES Project |
It was all of 6°F this morning on my way to work with a windchill of -12°F. Brrrrrrrrrrrr! I know the rest of the country and Canada is dealing with much, much worse, but the South is ill-prepared for such craziness. I was relieved that the black ice/snow/wintery mix missed the Atlanta metro area and I didn't have to deal with slippery roads during my 4AM commute to Starbucks.
In quilting news for 2014: I've been working on the second Silver Thimbles Quilt Club mystery quilt and am on the final steps of putting blocks together. Wish I could show you this fabulous pattern but it's top-secret mystery so I'll just show my fabric choices for this two-color quilt. Since the vast majority of my stash (stress that word VAST) is in Santa Fe, it was a challenge to find enough of two fabrics here to make the quilt. I had some stacks of yardage left to pack in an armoire so I started packing that up and picking out fabric for the quilt.

I have been hoarding yardage of an old Kansas Troubles fabric line called Prairie Moon and had enough (about 4 1/2 yards) of the black moon print for the dark print. Finding the light fabric was more challenging as I didn't have 5 yards of a good contrasting neutral. But I did have 2 1/2 yards of the green moon fabric and 2 1/2 yards of yellow moon fabric from the Christmas Past line by Minick & Simpson. Bingo! Now I have really cool moon-themed mystery quilt blocks that I can't show you...
What I can show you is this great special issue of
Victoria magazine that I won in a giveaway from quilter/editor/writer/black cat owning/old house loving/all around fabulous
Kimber from Heirlooms at Ashton House. Thank you so much, Kimber!!! During this freezing cold weather, I curled up in several quilts with a pot of tea and savored this issue. The beautiful photos of spring gardens will have you planning tea parties in no time. Also, there is a recipe for Honey Scones that I can't wait to make.
Gomez wanted to let you know that the Polar Vortex bypassed New Mexico and he was snug on his rug in the kitchen.
Stay warm everyone and rejoice in all those piles of quilts that us quilters have to snuggle under. I know I am :)