Yesterday in Atlanta it was 104F, breaking a record for the day.
The record-high heat in Atlanta is 105F and it is forecast to reach 106F today.
We also have had code-red smog alerts the past few days, which means terribly unhealthy air quality.
Guess where I'll be?
Inside sewing in the air-conditioning. Hope y'all are too.
I had a busy week this past week, which is also a trend for the past several months. Here's a rundown of what was going on at Stella Bella's house.

In the evenings, I alternated between sewing binding on my Eventide quilt and basting hexies. Sewing binding is much more fun in the wintertime but I am persevering.
I have a lot more hexies to baste but am anxiously awaiting the next step in Hexy Quilt Along. I am glue-basting these using a Sewline glue pen. Super easy.
Both of these are perfect projects to work on while partaking in the latest obsession at Stella Bella Quilts--watching "Game of Thrones."
S. and I missed this show the first time around, but since there is a lull right now in TV land (my favorite shows: Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels, Luther, and The Hour are all on hiatus) we are catching up.
Remy is demonstrating what the cats have been up to this week.
Oh the life of cats at Stella Bella house.
Remy is such a goof. This is how he sleeps most of the time--very uncatlike.
Stay cool everyone!
Edited to add: It's official 106F the hottest ever recorded temperature in Atlanta. And it's only June....