Saturday, June 30, 2012

OK Now It's the Heat

Most of the country is broiling this week under a record-breaking heat wave.  According to the LA Times, nearly 35,000 record high temps have been recorded in the past year.

Yesterday in Atlanta it was 104F, breaking a record for the day.

The record-high heat in Atlanta is 105F and it is forecast to reach 106F today.

We also have had code-red smog alerts the past few days, which means terribly unhealthy air quality.

Guess where I'll be?

Inside sewing in the air-conditioning.  Hope y'all are too.

I had a busy week this past week, which is also a trend for the past several months.  Here's a rundown of what was going on at Stella Bella's house.

 I received this package of lovely patterns from Sherri at This & That.  I won her giveaway for the awesome "Farmer's Market" tote pattern and she added some extras.  Thank you so much Sherri!!  I just love them!!

In the evenings, I alternated between sewing binding on my Eventide quilt and basting hexies.  Sewing binding is much more fun in the wintertime but I am persevering.

I have a lot more hexies to baste but am anxiously awaiting the next step in Hexy Quilt Along.   I am glue-basting these using a Sewline glue pen.  Super easy.

Both of these are perfect projects to work on while partaking in the latest obsession at Stella Bella Quilts--watching "Game of Thrones."

S. and I missed this show the first time around, but since there is a lull right now in TV land (my favorite shows: Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels, Luther, and The Hour are all on hiatus) we are catching up.

Remy is demonstrating what the cats have been up to this week.

Oh the life of cats at Stella Bella house.

Remy is such a goof.  This is how he sleeps most of the time--very uncatlike.

Stay cool everyone!

Edited to add:  It's official 106F the hottest ever recorded temperature in Atlanta.  And it's only June....


  1. So that's how hot is was yesterday as I drove around in my un-airconditioned car? The car repair place says they can't fix it. UGH! I want to know more about the glue basted hexies; sound like something I want to try. Love Remy! Karmen

  2. And here in North Texas we have a predicted high of 97 today! What is the world coming to?

    Enjoy Game of Thrones and your air conditioning.

  3. Yes, everywhere in HOT, HOT, HOT except here in the Pacific Northwest. We have had so much rain, it's not even funny anymore. Pouring again today. We've only had a few days that have reached into the 70s. I'm still turning the furnace on in the mornings. So much for global warming here: NOT! I wish I could exchange my cool weather for some of your sizzling weather! You blow real hard and I'll do that same and we'll see what happens! One good thing, I'm inside piecing today!

  4. Gretchen, today is a sewing day for me too, the first is over a week (due to health related issues), but I'm headed down to my sewing room as soon as I enjoy my hummingbirds at the feeder for a few minutes first. Ah...Remy is so adorable. Well, all your furry babes are but Remy just holds this little special place in my heart for some reason. Love the pic. You know I used to have a cat, a tri colored calico, female of course as most calicos are...but she slept on her back with all four paws in the air. Funniest thing I'd ever seen. I've had dogs do that, but cats??? Not so much, but Remy is getting close, LOL. Enjoy your day, stay cool, and give your furry babes a scratch for me. I'm in Utah so a huge part of our state is on fire right now. Lots of homes lost, some lives too. All 7 fires burning right now have been human cause. The Governor says he wishes he could make stupidity illegal...something to think about. Okay, Nuff said, go sew and have a great weekend. Big Hugs...

  5. In the house too but vegging on the couch. I have no energy. Both Second Hand Clothes are up to row assembly. I found a wonderful purple for the setting triangles that makes me happy. stay cool. I'll be chilling with the boys and atching mindless tv

  6. That's unplesantly hot if you aren't used to it. Best to stay inside and enjoy some sewing time.


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