Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday to Edgar Poe and Stella!

It is so hard to believe that "The Kittens" (as S. and I call them) are six years old today.  Happy Birthday and catnip confetti for Edgar Poe and Stella Bella.

Turning six is cause for a nap in the late afternoon sun

I've never had sibling cats before and it has been just more fun that I ever would have thought with these two sweeties.  They love to play and sleep together and are endlessly entertaining.  With Remy in the house, Edgar and Stella are no longer the youngest but we still call them The Kittens.

One of my favorite posts with Edgar and Stella is this one from 2009.  Here is another one of a young Poe getting into more trouble. 

And here's the first photo of the orphan kittens when we brought them home.  S. and I found them on May 27, 2006, during a walk and the kittens were roaming wild in the street.  Who could resist little stripey tabby kittens? Especially when they started following us. Definitely not us.  


  1. I think like you. The last spring I found a six mounth old cat. I love her immediatly and so now I'he a cat and a dog. They are so beautifull expecially when they play toghether. Excuse me for my bad english, but I love this lenguage and don't wont use any translater.I'm from Italy

  2. Happy birthday to Sweet Stella and Poe. I hope they have lots of birthday catnip. Luv, Wild Willie

  3. What a wonderful birthday post for Edgar Poe and Stella! What a great way for them to spend their day, too. How nice to look back on that 2009 quilt, too. …and the 'assaulting a loaf of bread' cracked me up. I don't think I was around during that time but I'm pretty sure I was here for the 2009 quilt. So let me just say again, happy birthday and an honor it is to be a part of the Party!

  4. Awww...Happy Birthday to the kittens. I think they deserved a birthday nap...birthdays are hard work!! :)

  5. So sweet! I hope they had a happy birthday :-)

  6. Happy birthday to your little friends. I totally agree - who can resist a stripey tabby cat?

  7. you do have the sweetest little kitties!

  8. Happy happy birthday to Edgar Poe & Stella! I hope there are lots of sunbeams for them in which to catch a catnap or two! :-)


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