Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eventide: Fabric Choices

 Along with all the other BOMs, BOWs, UFO challenges, and whatever else I have going on (I really need to get this on a spreadsheet or all mapped out with my new personal assistant iVan), I am joining Thelma at Cupcakes 'n Daisies in a quilt along for the quilt Eventide. Call it Quilter's Optimism.

Quilter's Optimism:  the belief that you can accomplish many more quilting projects than are humanly possible in any given period of time.

I have successfully obtained the pattern from Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop and chose a bundle of Fig Tree fabrics from my stash (I had the choice of three...count them...three different Fig Tree bundles in my stash...oh my!)  I chose the bundle Fig & Plum from (I think) 2008.  I had another project in mind for this but have repurposed it for Eventide.

So that's my progress.  This week.  Come back next Tuesday and see if I've untied that uber-cute Moda twill trim yet.  Why is that always the hardest part??!!??  Unwrapping that nifty (and aging) bundle...


  1. Can't wait to see your first blocks, I LOOOOVE Fig Tree fabrics. You are very lucky to have bundle of them !!! Hugs from France

  2. Hahaha, quilter's optimism - oh so true. Your quilt is going to be awesome in that Fig Tree line! But I definitely know what you mean about cutting into the bundles. I feel like I'm definitely committed to a project once I've untied that moda string.

  3. Oooooh, Fig Tree -- love those fabrics! You are very fortunate to have three bundles!
    What a beautiful quilt you'll have -- pretty design in beautiful fabrics. Yummy!

  4. I love that great fabric line. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  5. Oh I think you are going to like this fabric group for your project. That dark plummy fabric is going to be so interesting!

  6. OMG you sound like me! I needed another project like a hole in the head, but am loving it so far. Glad to see I am not the only one :) Oh, and I have two really cute Fig Tree bundles I can't untie from years ago...you've given me hope!

  7. Love the fabric you have picked out. I think I might be joining you in this optimistic project.

  8. Nice fabric choice... I went with FT too! But Mill House... I can't wait to see fig and plum made up. Love those colors!

  9. Yes, it is so hard to unwrap isn't it? I've got one staring at me that I just can't seem to open! Eventide looks beautiful! So many are bloggers are making it.....I can't wait to see yours :) I'm seeing so many Eventides and I'm tempted to start, but I just have too many unfinished projects right now....I must go before my quilters optimism takes over! Yikes!!

  10. Lol, I enjoyed your "quilter's optimism" so much. I suffer from it all the time! I'm still waiting for my pattern to come in AND still "optimistic" that I can get it done by the end of the month! :-)


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