Today marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day!
Earth day started on April 22, 1970, when 20 million Americans participated in a grassroots environmental movement led by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. This outpouring of concern and involvement was the catalyst for important environmental legislation in the U.S. For more on the history of Earth Day check out Wikipedia here. Every year I resolve to do something more "green" to help the planet. What are your resolutions this year?
If you need some ideas, check out this guide to energy efficiency and this guide to 12 things you can do for a healthier planet both from the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Looking back to last year's post, I am happy to report that I am doing everything I said I would do! Bird feeders, a bluebird house, and compost bin are in the yard. I'm planning my "Recession Garden: Year Two" garden now and also planning new ways to conserve energy, money, and resources as I transition into working one job.
I am also looking forward to cooking more at home since I'll have more time. Fresh foods, more veggies, and buy (and grow) local and organic is my mantra for this year. Can you tell I've been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution! Love that man!
I have also tried to influence my coworkers at Starbucks to be more green and I am sure they will be happy not to hear me say "stop wasting cups!" all the time. But really, it has worked :)
Love the planet--it's the only one we have!
I too can see that I have made a change in how I do things around the house since this time last year.