Thursday, November 21, 2013

In Which I Remember How to Sew

I cannot tell you how happy I am to have a respite from painting-cleaning-packing-and-moving.  It seems like a zillion years since August when all the big changes started here at Stella Bella Quilts.

I did keep a few projects here in Georgia to work on while the house is for sale, and it was way far past the time to get back into the sewing groove.  Spending an evening cutting fabric has got to be one of the best ways to un-stress and focus on the present moment.  A nice cup of tea with honey adds a extra dose of calmness.

Because of the crazy-busy holiday season at Starbucks and knowing that I would have to pack up and stash away my sewing stuff every night,  I decided to start on a new project that didn't require a lot of complicated piecing.  This great kit from my Silver Thimble Quilt Club fit the bill perfectly.  The pattern is "Second Hand Clothes" by Red Crinoline Quilts. I think I got this kit last year or maybe the year before.

Best thing about this kit is there are 110 different fabrics already cut into 6 1/2" squares and strips and after a short evening of cutting the solids and strip pieces I was ready to go.

[To address the obvious: yes, I'm sure I had more than enough fabrics to make up this quilt out of my stash but sometimes a girl just needs a kit, ya know?  Cue: everyone reading this nodding in agreement.]

 This is my little temporary sewing set-up in my bedroom.  Because the house is "staged" for selling and the only TV is in the bedroom, I carry this table and chair into the bedroom for sewing then carry everything back out again at night or before I leave the house.

I also was deathly afraid of dropping the iron or anything on the new carpet in the living room so this keeps everything manageable.

[P.S. careful observers will notice I'm watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I love watching movies that I've already seen while sewing.]

It's really weird sewing with no cats around to "help" and "supervise."  I'm pretty sure that I'm doing it all wrong....

Here's some blocks.  Better email this over to the cats to make sure I've got it right.


  1. Hi Gretchen! So are you still working whilst you wait for the house to sell? I can only imagine how very much you miss your furry kids, not to mention your hubby. I'll be so happy for you when everything is finallized and you get into a normal routine in your new life. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a quick sale on the house and getting back home (well back to your new home). By the way, I was indeed nodding my head in agreement about needing a kit now and then before I read that line...cracked me up, LOL. Also, I think you have superb taste in movies. Love the Harry Potter books and loved the movies with Richard Harris in them, the other, not so much but had to watch them as I'm an HP addict. LOL
    Actually, the movies weren't too bad, I just didn't like the way the new Dumbledore changed the personality of the character. Ah well, who am I but a big fan of the series. Big, Big Hugs...
    ***I love the fabrics and pattern for your new quilt. Can't wait to see how it comes along. Miss ya!

  2. Gretchen it's wonderful to see you having some time to sew...that is such a great quilt...enjoy! The blocks look fantastic...hope the cats give you their stamp of approval.

  3. Good luck selling your house. It is extremely stressful. Found your block through the Cupcakes n' Daisies blog. Your cats are adorable and their names are just great! We had to move 3 cats an hour and a half - I couldn't imagine all day and a stay over. It looks like yours did great!

  4. I think the cats will give it 'paws up'. ; )

  5. I think the cats will give it 'paws up'. ; )

  6. What a pretty quilt that is going to be! I'm sure it would get the paws up seal of kitty approval!
    I hope your house sells quickly so that you can be reunited with your quilt inspectors!

  7. i like to watch movies over again and again (or not watch, depending on what else is going on) ... and re-read books, too ... i think it is comforting to know that the story is still there and hasn't changed...


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