Sunday, February 17, 2013


I've been couch-bound these past couple of days with a hurt foot. Don't know what I did to it, but I must have pulled a tendon/ligament/muscle or combination.  So I basically hobbled through working all weekend and came home and put my foot up with a heating pad on it.  I missed Silver Thimbles Quilt Club Friday night and haven't sewn since Wednesday.

Now you know it was bad.

Today it's better and I'm no longer shuffling around like the walking dead.  (Mooooooannnnnn)

Hope to have some photos of a finished project soon.  Until then, here is a gratuitous cat photo of sleeping Gomez.


  1. Well darn, that's no fun...feel better soon!

  2. Oh No! No sewing!! i hope the kitties took good care of you.

  3. Oh Gretchen, I do hope your foot is on the mend and feels much better very soon. You truly have my sympathies, as I battle sore feet constantly. That is one of the reasons my sewing time is so limited. But I cracked up at your description of "shuffling around like the walking dead, LMAO. Sounds like me every morning!!! Moaning sounds and all, LOLOL. keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Big hugs for you and of course, scratches and rubs all around to the furry kids...*Love the picture of Gomez, I wonder if he could curl up any tighter, hehehe. Sweet babies!

  4. Hope your foot is better soon and you are sewing again. Gomez looks so cute and comfy curled up on the quilt

  5. Pesky foot! Hope it's on the mend and you can get back to sewing. Gomez is pretty cute!

  6. gratuitous photos of your kitties are always a welcome sight ... feel better!

  7. Ouch! I'm glad your foot is on the mend!
    Love the kitty picture.

  8. I hope your foot feels better soon! Although sitting on the couch with a heating pad sounds good to me right now, I know it's no fun, especially if you can't sew!!


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