Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blogger Girl BOM block 2

This was a fun block to construct.  I liked Monique's method for making this block. 

Here is block #2 variation.
Thank you so much to Sarah who commented last month on my choice of blue fabric.  Sarah inspired me to make this a blue-themed quilt.

I was also inspired by the "Message in the Bottle" quilt Nicole is making on her blog. 

Best thing about the Internets is all the wonderful inspiration out there.

Remy is making sure he has one or two or ten cat toys ready to play with at all times.  Even when he is napping.  Here he is with seven toys! Spoiled Remy.


  1. Love your blocks! Sweet Remy! Life doesn't get much better than that!

  2. Oh that was me! No worries, happy to help ;) The blocks look great. I'm still printing them out waiting for a day without work and children commitments to begin, lol!

  3. These are lovely blocks and I really like your fabric choices. Remy looks very comfortable on your blue & white quilt and one never knows just what toy one requires when one wakes from a nap. Be prepared.

  4. Blocks are gorgeous, Gretchen!!!!! I hope to work on my soon!

  5. Hi Gretchen! I love your blocks, each and every one of them. I had to back of on some of the online BOMs I was trying to keep up with in order to spend more time on my own projects...and then I went and signed up for the 2013 FQS Designer Mystery Quilt BOM...*sigh* it's a sickness I tell ya, LOL. "Hi, my name in Nancy and I am a Fabric Fondler and a BOM junkie"! What can I say? I just hope I make good progress on my Desert Sunset so that when June rolls around I can really enjoy the new FQS BOM. Ah well, such is the life of a quilter, right? Now, as for the life of a cat...hehehe, well, I think your furry crew all have it pretty good, and Remy, well, you know I have a soft spot for him so I love the pictures of him in this post. Especially the one with the toys. It is good he keeps them close, just in case though, you wouldn't want him to miss an opportunity to play with them, even in his sleep. Big hugs to you and scratches all around for your furry kids...


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.