Sunday, January 20, 2013

Silly Remy Sunday

Remy loves to hide under the bathroom rug in the mornings, ready to pounce on unsuspecting cats or people. He is a master of disguise...
And silliness.


  1. This is sooo cute! I always wonder if they think they are completely hidden even though that tail is still sticking out.I have had more enjoyment watching mine chasing his tail as though it is a toy teasing him. Unfortunately, he does this in bed when I am asleep, his method of waking me I guess.

  2. Where is he? I don't see a cat anywhere!! LOL!

  3. The old "Cat under the bath mat disguise", eh. A stroke of genius of his part. They don't stand a chance.

  4. Wow Gretchen...I'm like Sunny...I don't see Remy anywhere, LOLOL. He is just too cute for words, when we can see him of course, *wink*.
    Big Hugs to you and scratches for all the furry babes, and give that rug a little scratch too will you, just incase, hehehe.


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