Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Block of the Month (or Two)

Happy 2013, now that we are well on our way into January.  Like a lot of quilt bloggers, I've been planning what quilts I want to finish this year (lots), what quilts I'd like to start this year (less than lots), and what new fun quilt alongs/BOMs/assorted mischief I would like to join in on this year (quite a bit).

I thought I would jump right into a new project that fits all three criteria:  the 6-month, 2 blocks-per-month, Blogger Girls Block of the Month hosted by Monique Dillard of Open Gate Quilts.

Another goal this year is to use up my stash of fabric (that is threatening to take over the house insulating the house this winter).  For the Blogger Girls BOM, I'm using Jo Morton fabric with some odds and ends added wherever necessary.

Here's my first two blocks.

Now that I am way behind on Barbara Brackman's Grandmother's Choice Block of the Week, she is starting a new Civil War Block of the Month this year.  Yeah I'll be jumping in on that one too, I'm sure. I think I'm going to need a personal assistant chart to keep track this year.   

And of course, we couldn't start a new year without a new cat photo.  I'm calling this photo "the three musketeers."  I came home from Starbucks today to find Stella, Gomez, and Edgar all comfy in bed (still...). 


  1. Love your blocks...oh those kitties look so comfy!

  2. Pretty blocks. I just can't believe how cute those three cats are lined up together. Maybe they did chores will you were gone working. Then lined up to look all happy and relaxed :-).

  3. Your kitties always make me smile. I love how they cuddle...after 7 years, my two still barely tolerate each other. Nice quilt blocks too! :)

  4. Hi Gretchen, Your blocks are gorgeous!!! Love your fabric choices. Also love the picture of the furry kids, looking so content and comfy, that like Michelle, they made me smile, but they always do... :o)
    Give them all sweet scratches for me and of course, the is a big cyber hug for you too...

  5. I love the fabrics you've chosen! Always partial to blues myself. I'm printing out these patterns and I'd really like to do it, but I have some, well many, projects I'd like to finish before I begin something new. Your quilt will come up gorgeous in these fabrics.

  6. I love your blocks! I wish my three cats got along that well. Seldom do I see the three of them in one place.

  7. I am sooooo resisting joining any quilt-a-longs. I always want to join in but I ALWAYS suck at staying with them. This year I'm happy to live through the rest of y'all doin' them.

  8. i was trying to keep up with the Grandmother's Choice by just saving the files, but i fell behind in THAT, too - so i think that i will not even look at the Civil War BOM - do you need some more to do? i have some fabric that i'll send to you (i'm clearing out the Awesome! by Sandy Gervais fqs and yardage and thought you might want the squirrel panel - ha ha ha) ... seriously!!!

  9. Funny post! Insulating the house? I'm going to have to use that one next time the stash is challenged. So many wonderful projects on the go - it's going to be fun watching your progress!

  10. Nice blocks :-) The colors are great!


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