Sunday, November 18, 2012


I missed posting on November 13th, the one-year anniversary of Remy's adoption.

Here he was a year ago--just a little guy

And here he is today (on the same quilt no less)--

In the past year, Remy has:

  1. Spilled countless bowls of water because he likes to play in the water bowls and really likes to drop cat toys in the water then fish them out
  2. Ate all the tails off the toy mice, chewed ears off the others, shredded lots of toys because he thinks he is a dog
  3. Chewed the straps off my favorite pair of Mary Jane chunky heeled shoes because he thinks he is a dog
  4. Torn up countless paper bags, played in countless boxes, and chewed on every box, bag and any other paper in the house because he thinks he is a  Remy recycling machine
  5. Hid under rugs, under couches, up in the box spring of the bed, under dressers and armoires because he thinks he is a hermit crab 
  6. Reminded us that the cat food container was nearing empty by fretting and fretting and meowing and rubbing against the container whenever it was getting low because he never wants to miss a meal.
  7. Kept Edgar, Stella, and Gomez on edge from countless Remy-stealth-ninja-kitty attacks 
  8. Caused great joy and laughter in the past year
We love you Rem, you silly cat.  


  1. Awwwwwwww. He's such a cute cat. Happy Remy-versary!!

  2. Aww, that is so neat. He's such a cool, fun LBK cat. Happy Remy-versary!! The coolest Little Black Kitteh on the entire planet!!

  3. Beautiful cat. I sure hope you'll enter him and your quilts in the 2013 Pets on Quilts Show (


  4. He is so cute, looks like he has been very happy in your family.

  5. Wow Gretchen, Remy is quite the little multi-talented kitty/dog isn't he? LOL. I loved this post and really enjoyed your list of his "accomplishments and quirks", they all made me laugh out loud, but most of all I loved #8...the one that says it all!!! Thanks for sharing this year of Remy with us and my furry babes and I are wishing him a Happy Anniversary. Big Hugs all around...

  6. WHAT a darling kitten-photo. Gosh, the only thing Jack does in that list is play in the water. Remy is quite an original!

  7. I see some parallels with Joe. Happy belated adoption day to you both. (Also known as "gotcha" day.)

  8. Hard to believe it's been a year....A very Happy Remy-versary...and a very Happy Thanksgiving!


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