Monday, February 13, 2012

Retreat Report

I had a fabulous time at quilt retreat.  The days went by so fast that it didn't seem like we spent three solid days and one partial day sewing.  Ginormous thanks to Pat Wys for organizing this fun, productive, wonderful retreat.

Pat had a few demos for us including this great block board inspired by Lori at Bee in My Bonnet. 

Remy is hard at work inspecting my blocks for another project made from French General's Maison de Garance fabric line.   He must be checking my 1/4"seam.

"I don't approve of this block!" 

Here is another photo of my finished project and a detail. Can't wait until next year's retreat!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got to do this, Gretchen. You were SO due for something wunnerful!


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