Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quilting Question

Do you think 57 projects is too many to bring to a four-day retreat?

Not really 57 projects

I thought not.

Through the graciousness and wonderfulness of friends, I am going on a long-weekend retreat to the mountains for some major sewing and fun time.

And I've already started packing.

 Remy has decided to "help" pack.


  1. 57 might be a bit much, but a girl has to have variety!! I usually pack what I think I can realistically get done, and then throw in one more. And maybe one more 'just in case'. And . . . . You will have to sleep for a couple of hours eachday/night, and there will probably be lots of good food to be consumed. Maybe only 56?

  2. OH Gretchen...have fun, fun, fun!!! Ummm...I don't think Remy is trying to help you pack...I do believe he is trying to decide where he will be riding, LOL. Big Hugs...

  3. You and Cindi are really getting prepped. I am such the slacker. I only have one prepped and 1 partially prepped and another-the fabaric supposed to be coming tomorrow. We are going to have such fun. Moda Man and Loose Threads are ready to go as well

  4. 57 projects sounds about right to me. :-) I think Remy is going to be a stowaway!

  5. Nobody said you had to finish them all. Have a wonderful time!

  6. I do NOT think that is too many projects. And I think Remy should get to go. :) Have fun on your retreat...can't wait to see what you get accomplished.

  7. 57, is probably not too many. Have a great trip.

  8. Since I'm in charge of the whole retreat I think 57 is not enough. I will not have you slackin off. Or falling in the pool...!

    Can't wait there is nuthin but fun ahead.


  9. Have a wonderful time :-) You are going to need a big bag to pack your 57 projects.

  10. Sounds like the right number since you are a known speed sewist. Sorry I am going to miss the event-- keeping my 1 yr old grandson this weekend.


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