Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shipping Department in Action


  1. He is sooo cute. And he is already into the holiday mood

  2. Okay that got me to laugh hard for a minute. Most excellent!!

  3. LOLOL...Oh, such a cutie!!! I remember when we used to have two cats and when we would come home from grocery shopping, as we emptied the brown paper bags we would throw them every which way on the floor and the cat games would commence. "Guess which bag I'm in but pay no attention to the tail sticking out." "I've got your leg" "BOO" and that all time favorite, "Ninja bag attack". We would laugh until our stomachs hurt. Especially when they happened by chance to run into the same would come out like it was shot out of a cannon and run into a different bag. We would let them entertain themselves that way until one of two things happened, either the bags got ripped up, or (and this was usually the case) the noise got so bad that we had to finally get the bags picked up. They were usually exhausted by then anyway. I know we were, just from laughing. Thanks so much Gretchen for sharing this picture and bringing back some really fond memories. I haven't had cats for over 15 years, just dogs. We have decided to get a cat next time...maybe two from a shelter. Hugs...

  4. Oh, how that made me laugh. Cats and boxes - irresistible! We put an empty box on the floor just so Baxter could play with/in it!

  5. We had a very similar situation in our house last night with our kittens. A big package had come in and after emptying it, my husband had left it by the front door to be taken out to the garbage. A little while later, from the family room we could hear the cats were causing quite a ruckus with something but we couldn't figure out what it could be. Upon investigation, we discovered Frankie hiding in the box and Jesse just sitting there looking at the box moving around. Then they switched places as if they both agreed they would take turns...goofy cats.

  6. Cute! Why do they love to chew on cardboard? :P


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