Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends.

I have so much to be thankful for this year--mainly just getting through this rough year.

I am so thankful for my family, my cats, my friends, and all my readers in blogland that have been so supportive and wonderful.

I am thankful for having a house and two jobs when many in America have none.

I am thankful that every night in the dark, quiet minutes driving home from Starbucks that I am am sad and shed tears for the loss of my beloved Morpheus cat because we were both so lucky to find each other and have 17 years of unconditional love.

I am thankful that I cried all night last night and am crying now because I miss my grandfather because he was such a great person and loved his family so much.

I am also thankful that my serious health scare biopsy & bloodwork this past week turned out negative and my new (fourth) doctor seems committed to helping resolve my health problems.


  1. bless your sweet heart, Gretchen ... i love you, little girlie.

  2. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving, Gretchen!

  3. I'm sorry I missed this post, and that you've had such a difficult time. This year has been a year of loss for me as well, but I'm thankful for all I do have. Hugs...


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