Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch

Mackenzie Oct. 2011 age 19 mo. (borrowed from my sister-in-law's facebook page)
I haven't posted in awhile and I seem to have lost my quilting and blogging mojo for a brief time. Hope this will change soon.

Guess who I get to see this week?

Stylin' in her purple glasses.  

For a planned  trip this time.

More from Michigan soon.


  1. Adorable! Does she have a pumpkin costume for Halloween? I hope you get your mojo back soon, but we all go through cycles.

  2. Hi Gretchen, This picture is so adorable. She really is the "Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch", no doubt about it. As for your quilting and blogging mojo...don't fret, it will come back in it's own time. You've had a lot to deal with lately and I think you have done a super job of keeping up on your blog with all that has happened in your life of late. No worries hon, we will all be here when your 'mojo' bounces back and in the meantime, just 'take care of you'. Big Hugs and Blessings...


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.