Sunday, September 11, 2011


A most sincere thank you to each and every one who sent cyber hugs and condolences last week for the loss of my dear beloved Morpheus.  I am slowly responding to all my emails and getting back into a routine.  Two- and four-legged residents of chez crazy cat lady are learning to adapt. He had a huge personality and all of us are affected.   Gomez has been very sad.

I miss him sleeping on my head and sitting next to me as I work on the laptop. I miss him waking me up at 4 in the morning because he was tired of being in the bedroom and wanted me to sleep on the couch (and yes as a well-trained cat-owned person does, I moved to the couch with my pillow and quilt).  I expect him to jump in the warm laundry after I pull it out of the dryer.  I have no idea what time it is because he is not meowing at the top of his lungs to tell me it's breakfast time, or dinner time, or bedtime snack time.  I miss him stretching up on his back legs with his front paws on my legs to pick him up.  I miss our silly games.  I miss him following me from room to room or always watching me with his big yellow-green eyes. 

I especially am having a hard time adapting to the quiet.  Morpheus was a talker--he had a meow and a chirp and a mmmerrrfff  for everything all the time.  I had a running conversation with him for 17 years and now the soundtrack of my life is quiet.   


  1. Oh my friend, you have such a way with words. You express so beautifully how Morpheus wove his way into your life and the lives of all those at chez crazy cat lady. I thank you for sharing your feelings as so often folks hold things in or just come across brief and cold. You are a beautiful soul, Gretchen. I'm a terribly sad for this loss and I'm additionally sad to know the rest of the family is left sad as well. From my own experience I know how it can be difficult to watch them deal with it. We are all here my friend. All of us. The commenter's and the lurkers. All of us.

  2. I was going to go to Sbux this morning, but I knew I would cry (as I am now reading your blog). I hope you will be around next weekend. You are in the thoughts of the Thimble gang, we luv you!! Hugs until then

  3. Oh, Gretchen, that is all so touching. You could write a lot about Morpheus. What a wonderful cat he was!

  4. I am so sorry that you lost your 4 legged child. Seventeen years is an amazingly long life, which goes to show you how well cared for your Morpheus was. Bless your heart.

  5. Oh how I love this post. You made me laugh ... and cry ... and laugh. I see myself in so much of what you wrote. The running dialogue, moving to a different place to sleep because you want your furry babies to be comfy. More to the point, their comfort always comes before ours. Last, but not least, the thing that really struck me was his sleeping on your head. My daughters cat does that. Though we currently have two small dogs, Or should I say, 'they have us'... There is just 'something' about the love of our animals and you capture it perfectly. Thank you. Big Hugs...


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.