Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Just in time for 100F weather

My air conditioning died last night. It is 89F in the house. Repair people came, part is ordered & hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow or next day. At least I have fans and cold drinks and ice. It may actually be too hot to sew.


  1. You are not kidding on this, I know. I just can't believe this. It's melty now at your house. Anything on Poe TV? (at this rate we're not going to be able to afford TV of any sort!)

  2. You know the old saying, "if it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all". Ours is working, I'm only 4 hours up I-85 and have an extra sewing table.

  3. You are SO due for something wonderful to happen . . .

  4. once again, i feel your pain ... the swamp cooler died last week ... i had it replaced with a "green" model that has a filter that will last for five years ... but it smells like FISH when the water flows over its greenness ... now it smells like fish in here ... and i'm wondering what kind of progress i have made cuz who-would-want-to-smell-fish-for-five-years-anyway?!?

    maybe, just maybe, the smell will be gone by the time i make the final payment on the stupid thing ... and then it will probably die again

  5. Arrrrgh! By my accounting we are over the hump in summer now...three months down, only two to go!

  6. Oh, Gretchen, I am so sorry. Do you have a screened porch? Sleep out there!

  7. It is too hot here, I am ready for a nice snow storm.

  8. OMG, I cannot even imagine 100F. You poor thing, my fingers are crossed those parts come in right away for you!

  9. Oh, no!! I can't believe you're having to deal with no air conditioning after all that you've been through! Hope it's fixed VERY quickly.

  10. What??!!! That is crazy! I sure hope the part arrives quickly!!

  11. Unfortunate as it is, you have to expect the unexpected. Anyway, hassles like this can be avoided by doing regular maintenance checks. In doing so, you not only save yourself from costly repairs, but you also extend the lifespan of your air conditioner. I do hope your AC gets repaired and brought back to its good condition.

    -Darryl Iorio


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