Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogging Break

I am taking a blogging break.  As if this summer hasn't been horrendous enough, Morpheus is not eating and is looking very frail and thin. I bought him a roast chicken today and he ate just a few bites. I have a vet appointment on Friday and I'm hoping it's something that can be solved but I just don't know. Will try to post if anything changes.  I am not handling this well and please understand if I don't respond back to emails and comments in a timely way. 


  1. Oh, no. Hang in there. Both of you. Love and hugs. To both of you.

  2. Yikes, I hope he gets better.

    Breaks are need to reply back.

  3. Hugs to you. Hope things go well on Frid. After all it will be Sept. and thihs dang summer is almost over sending luv

  4. Ahh...I'm so sorry he's not feeling well. I hope the doc has a quick fix. I'll pray for him and you!

  5. Oh, Gretchen!! I know how incredibly difficult this can be. I hope that it's something that can be easily dealt with and he's eating and happy again soon.
    I'll be thinking of you and him.

  6. Will be thinking of you ..........

  7. Oh no, Morpheus is so darling and such a good, good cat. I hope the vet can help him.

  8. I'm with you in spirit and you know how to reach me.

  9. Best wishes for you and Morpheus. I just can't think straight when my own furry family members are sick. Hope it's something easy to remedy.

  10. Thinking of you and Morph..take a break and we are right here.


  11. So sorry about Morph (I feel like I know your pets very well). Here's hoping he's better and you can cancel the vet appt!

  12. Morph has a mission and i don't think he's accomplished it yet - both of you hang in there!

    p.s. - i am asking the Universe to help you, so keep your arms open wide

  13. Oh, I am sorry. We have had sick "children" here and it always hurts us, too. You will both be in my thoughts.

  14. Sending good thoughts for your sweet Morpheus and for you...take care.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.