Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Can't Think of a Title Tuesday

I'm feeling under the weather this week so I don't have much to say.  Here's what I've been working on:

 Gomez helped me finish the Simple Times Quilt Along Quilt .  I'll be posting the completed top with the rest of the parade on August 4th.  I doubt I'll get it quilted and bound by then but I might.

 Barbara Brackman's Civil War block of the week. Peterson's Flag and
 Railroad Crossing.
 FWQAL Big Dipper (left) and Broken Dishes (right)
FWQAL Box (right) and Bat Wing (left)


  1. I like the title :-) Hope you feel better.

  2. Oh, Gomez, keep on helping your mom so she will feel better.

  3. I am always floundering trying to think if titles to.
    I hope you feel better soon, at least you got lots of great blocks done!


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