Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our Sponsor

Look at poor Stella Bella. She is zonked out under the ceiling fan & not helping me. That's OK. She's had a stressful 25 days too. We now have electricity & hot water. Everything else is scheduled. No air conditioning yet but we are digging the ceiling and table fans. Life is returning to normal.

Thank you to everyone who commented & lived through this ordeal with me. You all are truly wonderful fabulous people!! BIG thanks to Karin & Becky for the use of their laundry. And SUPER BIG thanks to mom & dad who took many a phone call & helped me survive this. And thanks to Grandma for sending me my mom's b-day money. It really helped me through a rough few days. Hugs all around.


  1. Yaaaayyy! The end is in sight! What a perfectly awful month you've endured! I don't know if I could have done it - you are one amazing lady for making lemonade, when life gives you lemons!! :-)

  2. Oh, Stella Bella, hang on, a/c is surely on the way. (how hot did it get in the house, Gretchen?)

  3. YIPPEE! You're almost there. Poor Stella Bella...you are amazing...I'm not sure I would have made it through all of those days...I really thing Georgia Power should be ashamed of themselves for making you all endure that for so long. Dancing for you that the end is in sight...take care!

  4. Hallelujah! And, BTW, 25 is NOT "a few" days.

  5. Oh friend, Stella says it all. My heart really goes out to y'all.

  6. Things are looking up now. You poor thing.

  7. I'm so glad things are getting cooler! No ac but fans help!

  8. Ahhhh....hope the a/c is on by now. Your patience is awesome.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.