Thursday, March 31, 2011


taken at Sweet Home Quilt Co. with my iPhone & Lightbox camera app


  1. I love the wisteria I see on the way to my son's school! Such a lovely color :-) you are enjoying that phone aren't you? I love my iPhone too :-)

  2. Oh, Gretchen, that app is so cool. Beautiful photo.

  3. thank you for the name-have been trying to figure out what these beauties were!

  4. you mean ... there really IS such a plant?!? with both of our favorite colors?!? i can't even IMAGINE being able to grow such loveliness without a greenhouse ... and lottsa money.

  5. Our wisteria is almost done here. I love to see it but for some reason there is none on our property. All up and down the road though so I don't feel too bad. Beautiful picture

  6. Scrumptious! I stopped roadside to get a photo of the wisteria, but when I uploaded it I was interrupted and lost all the photos I was trying to upload. I formated my camera disc before I realized I didn't have the shots on my computer. So, that being said, I am really enjoying your wisteria photo. Wistfully, I'm afraid. Karmen

  7. Great photo! Our wisteria has been really abundant and especially wonderful this year!

  8. I also have wisteria (in German: 'Blue Rain') in my garden for many years. But so far they have never bloomed. I've been grumbled with it and also to persuade nice. I can only hope that it will flower this year, or I'll threaten them with consequences. ;D

    btw.I like also the old-style apps. :)

  9. I love wisteria, although most folks around here consider it a weed.


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