Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Have you seen the movie "Up"?  Such as sweet movie and Dug the dog cracked me up. It is definitely a must-see movie for anyone of all ages.  If you haven't seen the movie, Dug has a "translation collar" so humans can understand dog barks.  In the movie, Dug is talking and all of a sudden he will get distracted and say "Squirrel!" and look off screen. It has become a joke in our house whenever someone (me) is talking and someone else (S.) is distracted or not listening and I'll say "Squirrel!" 

Well along with all my other quilting plans and goals for 2011, all of a sudden Anne of Bunny Hill Designs pops up in my email inbox with another great Block of the Month!

It really is a squirrel and a super cute one at that (and you were wondering where this post was going ;).  I *may* have to start this BOM also.  I have a stash of wool for the applique and I'm sure I can find some comparable fabric around here somewheres.

I have Anne's previous two years of BOMs printed out and saved although not started yet.  At least I'll print this one out every month too. This one is only 10 months long...


  1. I feel in love when I saw it in my email box, too. I like squirrels because they are so adorable and then I remember they are rodents, but still cute.

    Not like rats...rats are not cute.

    That cake would have gone great with some french press from Sbux...why didn't I think of that? I could have used it this weekend.

  2. LOL! That is a great movie...we have the dvd.

    Squirrel!!! LOL!!!!!!!

  3. okay ... you KNOW how i feel about squirrels - i almost missed out on Awesome because of that dang squirrel

    p.s. - we say, "oh look! a CHICKEN!!!" when one of us is not listening

  4. Thanks so much for the link! I love/hate squirrels!!!

  5. C' know you want to!I have 4 other BOM's going at the moment but I really want to do this one too!

  6. OH, I also jumped on the Henrietta Whiskers band wagon. Already have my fabrics selected and ordered COSMO floss colors I needed cause I'm doing mine in stitchery. I do that because though I am able to do simple embroidery stitches, I just can't do the needleturn, my hands don't work that way anymore. My stitcheries are nothing near perfect but still a work of love so I can sew the blocks during the day down in my sewing room (gets too cold for me down there in our bitter cold Utah winter). After about 5 pm my heater can no longer keep up with the frigid temperatures, even with the furnace running. SO...I can sit cozy by the fire in the evenings and stitch away. I just know this will be one of my favorite quilts. Too cute to resist. Hugs...

  7. I haven't seen the movie but now I just might have to. You make me smile. :) Only 10 months, eh? Surely we can do it!

  8. I'm on the fence with this one too! It looks to be another cute one. I loved the movie "Up!"


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