Friday, December 31, 2010

So Long 2010

I can say I am glad 2010 will be heading on its way out.  If I had to sum up the year in one word, I guess it would be formidable.

Work was  is challenging because of the reductions-in-force (a new meaning for the word "riff" this decade. Also used as a verb "you've been riffed"). I figure the remaining staff is all doing 2-3 people's jobs plus new initiatives added monthly.  Another year of no cost-of-living pay raises.  Thanks Gov. for 8 years of no raises remember some of those years were "good" years.  So glad to see you go. Oh I forgot we are all supposed to just be thankful to have a job. 

I did resign from my second job in April after 8 1/2 years at Starbucks.  I really miss the good things about  working there--my fellow co-workers and regular customers--but do not miss the damage to my health, relationships, and well-being.  It took me until August to recover.  I hope I can make it through 2011 without having to go back. We'll see.

On to better things...2010 was another year of being inspired by all the fabulous creative quilt blogs out there. New fabrics and more time to quilt.  I'm really looking forward to sewing my way through 2011!

Everyone (2- and 4-legged) in the house was healthy all year.  Please let this be so in 2011!!

 In March, my niece was born and after a rocky start she is a happy healthy baby that has brought so much joy to my family!!!!   She visited her first quilt shop at 6 weeks old and as you can see, we still drag her to quilt shops.  She loves fabric and seeing all those colors!!      

 My dad taught her to stick out her tongue and blow "raspberries" LOL!
Hope everyone shares the rest of this year with family and friends! 

S. and I will be staying in (we always do) with dinner and wine from Whole Foods and movies from Netflix.  The cats, most likely, will be snoozing like this.

May 2011 bring all of you (and all of us) peace, health, love, and prosperity!


  1. And a very, very happy new year to you, as well, G.

  2. Happy New Year, Gretchen! My 2010 was much like yours—far from one of our best years and I'm actually quite glad to see it go—I just hope 2011 will hold brighter days for all. Have a relaxing New Year's Eve in. The kitties look so cuddly.

  3. Happy neew year, dear friend. Looking forward to lots of sewing in '11

  4. We are also quietly at home, waiting to see the New Year in. We did drive through Atlanta last Monday night: downtown is beautifully lit. Peace.

  5. I could have written that first paragraphy myself complete with barely-suppressed anger at no pay raises and the oops feeling, oh I'm not supposed to resent that. It's so ARRRRRR!! Also the same fix of having to do a job that two or three people used to do. The stress for those who aren't riffed is no small thing. However! Happy New Year, Gretchen!


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