Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Neighbor

I have a new resident in the neighborhood--a red tail hawk.
I was immensely surprised to see this hawk perched on the fence by my big oak tree in the back yard one evening when I got home from work.  He/she didn't even fly away when I pulled into the drive. After sitting on my back stoop watching the hawk just sitting there looking around, I went and got my camera to try to get a photo.

It was dusk and overcast so it's a dark photo but at least you get a sense of how close the hawk was to the house. It was there for at least a couple of hours.


  1. How do the children feel about the new neighor?

  2. OH my gosh...My hubby brought a young red tail hawk home one time after he found him injured in one of the warehouses where he worked. We had a large bird cage we were able to put him in and called around to see if any of the animal shelters helped out with things like that and no one would say anything but "bring him in and we will put him out of his misery"! Well, that's not what we wanted. So we kept him for 3 weeks. Feeding him raw liver and exercising his injured wing until he was able to fly again. We would let him out of the cage in the largest room of our home, one of us would hold up a piece of raw liver and (wearing heavy leather gloves) would coax him to fly up to get the food. When we were certain he was once again able to fend for himself, we made the 20 minute drive up to the mountains and turned him loose. We all cried like babies when he circled high above us then flew back and landed on my shoulder!!! I was so surprised and delighted that he came back to us for a few minutes. Then he flew over into a tree and we watched for a while (still a little weepy) and listened to him calling out...then amazingly, another young hawk joined him and they flew off together. It was an incredible experience and one we will never forget. We had to keep it very quite and not tell people about it because they are protected birds and if we had given our names to any of the agencies we called for help, they would have come and taken him. It was a long time ago and they didn't have all the great bird and animal rescues they have now. But, it all worked out wonderfully and your picture looks just like our 'Oscar'...that's what we called him. Thanks so much for sharing the photo. Hugs...

  3. What a beautiful creature. How neat to have one so close.
    I love Stitched with a Prayer's story too. What a good person to take care of the injured bird.
    Then what a special treat to have it come land on your shoulder.


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