There's always great show n tell at Thimbles. Here's Karin with her X-Block quilt. Love the fabrics.
And this is a STUNNING Baltimore album block by (a different) Pat, who took a class from the expert Baltimore album lady Elly Sienkiewicz. The birds are made of silk ribbons and are just wonderful.
Some quilters were working on Bonnie Hunter's current mystery quilt including me. I did all the easy steps. Here is my step 4 blocks. I'm doing different colors--purple, green, black, and something else that I haven't decided yet. We all discussed the best way to make 600 half-square triangles for step 5 (face it, there isn't a best way to make 600 HST...).
While on the topic of obscene numbers of blocks to make, our little swap group is making a quilt that takes 848 -1 1/2 inch squares. There's another crazy number. Kristie sewed 846 and realized she need to cut 2 more (this cracked me up too!)
Lots of us were planning new projects for 2011 and making lists of UFOs to work on. Karin was already moaning and complaining about doing applique in 2011 (she calls it heinous applique!). Melisa at Sweet Home is hosting Pat's new Block of the Month pattern called "Comfort & Joy". Karin has signed up to make this quilt and she is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE doing applique in 2011.
Comfort & Joy by Pat Wys, Silver Thimble Quilt Co. |
Everyone is going to support her through it but we may end up as one friend said "jibbering in the corner" LOL!!! If you want to join
I am so thankful to have such fun, wonderful, talented friends in my life.
This evening, I'm working on Le Petite project for this month in between catching up on blog posts.
This is a wonderful post Gretchen. Beautiful photos to go along with the narrative. Karmen